Monday, February 17, 2020

Comparison of the media systems between USA and China Essay

Comparison of the media systems between USA and China - Essay Example Media is an overall term used to identify the different types of mediums that enriches us with vital information and knowledge. It is a flow of information running throughout the society in a form of print, visual and audio mediums known as newspaper (newsletters, magazines and tabloids), television, radio and the Internet. These mediums play significant roles in communicating to the general public as an audience as well as changing their perception. Agencies in the advertising industry have seized the opportunity giving out repetitive messages of a place or brand that promises to improve people’s lives and make them better, suggesting cost saving plans, educating people about bank loans and investment opportunities, and suggesting cost effective medicines. In our everyday lives we witness how we rely on the different types of media to assist and change us in our day-to-day activities making information more accessible and convenient just at a click of a mouse or an arm stretc h away. The newspaper, also known as print media differs slightly to magazines, newsletters and tabloids. However, these mediums mainly showcase news, entertainment or advertisement related information to audiences. Newspapers have been around since the time of Julius Caesar in the form of government bulletins kick starting journalism and later giving way to radio as a medium of communication. Radio was a huge turning point in how information was relayed to the general public. It was the first form of communication medium that could transmit voice over a long distance. People depended and still depend on source of news and information from the radio.

Monday, February 3, 2020

HS630 Week 9 Conf Part 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

HS630 Week 9 Conf Part 4 - Essay Example Another good thing about the advisory is that it includes the range of wind speeds from minimum to maximum. Also a 48 hour outlook is given in the advisory. The people are not told exactly what to do explicitly but weather conditions are laid out clearly in the geographical region. Timing is clearly mentioned in the advisory which is something good. People are totally informed about the timings of the storm. The speed of wind is given, and therefore, people are expected to prepare themselves. This is an area where this advisory is lacking as people are not told where to get more information. The advisory states only the course of the storm and other related information, but there is no mention of a phone number or a website from where people can get more information. A storm advisory can show more information about where to get more detailed information about the storm. The above advisory is appropriate and represents the usual warnings that are issued. The advisory could have given a phone number or website where people could have got more information. All the technical information regarding the storm was given which is