Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Parenting Styles and Their Effects on Children - 1545 Words

Over the years studies have found patterns in parenting styles and their effects on children. Parenting isn’t only a collection of skills, rules, and tricks of the trade (Lloyd, Carol. 2012)†, it defines who you become, reflects your culture and represents values important in a family. Parenting style has a long term impact on a child’s development, success and outlook on life. The three styles of parenting are permissive parenting/hands-off parenting , authoritarian parenting, authoritative parenting .Studies revealed that the authoritative parenting style results in the highest success rates for their children in school and in social aspects, thus creating a stable child (Lloyd, Carol.2012). Parenting styles were first introduced in†¦show more content†¦The permissive parent acts in a very easy going or hands off manner. There are very few demands and/ or rules that are expected of the child. The permissive parent is more of a friend than a parent. That, being said, could be seen as a positive or negative. Being too easy going for a child could create boundary issues of authority. The child might not understand the concept of being humble or respecting authority when necessary. This can create behavioral issues. â€Å"She presents herself to the child as a resource for him to use as he wishes, neither as an ideal for him to emulate, nor as an active agent responsible for shaping or altering his ongoing or future behavior. She allows the child to regulate his own activities as much as possible, avoids the exercise of control, and does not encourage him to obey externally defined standards (K. H.Grobman, 2008) The authoritarian is the most demanding and least engaged. They command the child to obey, but do not use effective methods to get the child to understand why they must do what they are told. The authoritarian sees the child as an easily manipulated and neutral being (KH Grobman 2008). They expect the childs understanding of authority and maturity at a very early age and improperly enforce rules on the child. Due to the high demand-low reward method, used by the authoritarian, the child valuesShow MoreRelatedThe Effects of Parenting Styles on Children781 Words   |  4 Pageshow to raise children and how to be a â€Å"good parent.† Often, parents get advice on how to parent from their own parents, from their close friends, and even experts. There are three main types of parenting styles: authoritarian parenting, permissive parenting, and authoritative parenting. Authoritative parenting is a parenting style characterized by strict rules, harsh punishments and little warmth. Pe rmissive parenting is characterized by parents who are responsive to their children, but lack rulesRead MoreParenting Styles And Its Effects On Children Essay1558 Words   |  7 PagesThere are four main parenting styles, these four include: authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved/neglectful. The way in which parents ‘parent’ their children effect the children on how the child develops into an adult and it affects their cognitive development. Parents that are authoritative encourage and allow their children to be independent, but the parent also sets boundaries and limits. If a child needs to be disciplined or punished, the parent does so, but not in a harmfulRead MoreParenting Styles And Its Effects On Children957 Words   |  4 PagesParenting Styles One of the challenges every parent faces is determining the best way to raise their child. Bob Keeshan states that parents are the ultimate role models for children. Every word, movement and action has an effect. No other person or outside force has a greater influence on a child than the parent. Parents use various techniques to raise their kids. How a child is raised or developed depends on the structures that the parents used. A parent is not intrinsically bad or good; he or sheRead MoreParenting Styles And Its Effect On Children Essay1382 Words   |  6 Pagessituation or opinion based on how we were raised, or how we raise-or plan on raising-our own children. With this said it is undeniable that parenting styles and their effectiveness vary. In research, parenting styles have been split into four categories the authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and the uninvolved. Within these categories, researches have attempted to map the effectiveness of parenting styles and the pos itive and negative outcomes of each. Despite the eclectic and commonly erraticRead MoreParenting Styles And Their Effects On Children1572 Words   |  7 PagesParenting Styles and Their Effects on Children Parents play a key role in their children’s lives, including supervision, involvement, love, support, comfort, and a wide variety of discipline and punishment. The relationship between parenting styles and child is vital and impacts the child’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Parenting involves two dimensions, demandingness and responsiveness sometimes referred to as control and warmth. With the use of these dimensions four parenting stylesRead MoreParenting Styles And Their Effects On Children2090 Words   |  9 PagesParenting Styles and Their Effects on Children We must all realize the impact we have on the world around us, whether it be an immediate effect or an action that releases a chain of events that is unforeseeable. Taking responsibility for the activities we partake in during everyday life is crucial for progressing in the future. This concept becomes much more actualized when we are raising our children. Children are undoubtedly the future of today. How we raise them will immediately impact what kindRead MoreOverview of Parenting Styles and Their Effects on Children1463 Words   |  6 PagesAccording to Webster’s dictionary, the definition of parenting is of â€Å"the process of raising and educating a child from birth to adulthood.† Have you ever pondered on how different you would be if your parents would have raised you differently? Everyone was raised differently, therefore we all will be different types of parents. We may cherish the way our parents raised and disciplined us, so we’ll utilize those techn iques when we become parents. On the other side, we may despise the way our parentsRead Moreeffect of parenting style on the academic development of children6694 Words   |  27 Pagesview on parenting as the skill or activity of looking after your own children. Davies (2000) opined that parenting (or child rearing is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional social and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood. Parenting style is a psychological contrast representing standard strategies that parents use in their child rearing (stantrock, 2007). There are many differing theories and opinions on the best ways to rear children, as wellRead MoreThe Effects Of Parenting Styles On The Psychological Development Of Children And Adolescents999 Words   |  4 Pagesdifferent parenting styles on the psychological development of children and adolescents. Today, there are four vital parenting styles in psychology: authoritative, neglectful, indulgent and authoritarian. Each style possesses its own different characteristics and each produce different psychological developments in children and adolescents. In order to understand the effects of parenting styles on a person’s psychological development, it is obligatory we consider how a particular parenting style affectsRead MoreDiana Baumrind s Effect Of Parenting Styles On Children Essay1312 Words   |  6 PagesDiana Baumrind’s effect of parenting styles on children Baumrind was born into a Jewish community in the New York’s Jewish enclaves. She was the first two daughters of Hyman and Mollie Blumberg. Diana, the eldest in an extended family of female cousins, inherited the role of eldest son, which allowed her to participate in serious conversations about philosophy, ethics, literature, and politics. She completed her B.A. in Psychology and Philosophy at Hunter College in 1948, and her M.A. and Ph.D. in

Monday, December 16, 2019

SHC Free Essays

They need to investigating current regulations and laws to do with setting and running a business. In the setting the practitioners need to take all the necessary steps to ensure they are keeping the children well and safe. The early years providers need to safe guard the children, ensure the suitability of adults who have contact with the children, promote good health, manage behavior and maintain records and policies and procedures. We will write a custom essay sample on SHC or any similar topic only for you Order Now The practitioners need to be continually progress through the career and are on the track they want to be and have the confidence to do this within their place of work. The children’s development needs to be continued through out there journey with the setting. This will be done by focused observations, scrappy observations, picture, art work and tracking the children using the E. Y. F. S. There are many potential barriers to professional development that can stop the setting or the individual practitioner to do these: Time- the practitioners may find that finding time to get away to do things can be tricky. This may then put the practitioner behind in their work which will then pile up and they are falling behind within the work place. Time is a crucial factor in personal growth and development, and many individuals lack enough of it. Between ark responsibilities, childcare issues and just trying to survive on a day-to- day basis, you may find yourself lacking the hours necessary to devote to your own goals. Commitments- all the practitioners have other commitment other than work and this could mean that unless the work is done within work time they won’t do it as they won’t be taking it home to do. Attitude -A negative attitude is a major factor in this area. If you start out with the belief that positive development is unlikely to occur, then no matter how hard you work on it, your belief will sabotage any efforts you may make. Peers- Peers also can complicate our efforts to improve ourselves. Peers often try to sabotage our goals, either consciously or unconsciously. They degrade our efforts toward growth because those efforts remind them of the growth they could be pursuing but have chosen to forgo. Failure to Plan- Lack of proper planning and preparation can lead to haphazard attempts to fulfill goals -? a recipe for wasted energy and efforts. If you are trying to break a habit, start a new career or glean insights into your thought processes, be sure to have at least a rudimentary plan to reach these goals. Http://www. Owe. Com/I development. HTML 05. 04. 2014 There are many different sources and systems of support for professional development within the work place. They are Inductions, appraisals and development plans, in-house training colleges and training organizations Inductions- on an induction this is to get to know everything you may need to know about the setting. This will be the opportunity to find out who works within the setting. On the induction you will be given all the policies and procedures and will be given a tour of the setting you will sign various forms ND given various information. Inductions are very informative and give the practitioners positive information and make them feel welcome within the setting. Appraisals- The main purpose of appraisal is to give the appraise the opportunity to reflect on their work and learning needs in order to improve their performance. This can be achieved through discussing their development and feedback on their job performance in a way that is constructive and motivational. It should result in an effective personal development plan. So lesson one is not to spend 95% of the time available rely reviewing past performance and lesson two is to involve the appraise fully in the discussion so that they can get the maximum benefit from it. The staff member should also be aware that they can raise any issues that they may have throughout all the year. Appraisals are very good as they give the practitioner time to raise their voice to any issues they may have. They could also make the practitioners feel it’s all one side and there manager is making it feel like that. Personal development plans- In the process, staff members also set personal placement goals that will increase their ability to contribute to the success Of your organization. The accomplishment of these goals also provides a foundation for their career success whether in your organization or elsewhere, so they ought to be motivated and excited about achieving this goal. Your system of Performance Management, with the PDP process for goal setting and communication, will ensure that you are developing a superior workforce. PDP meetings are held, at least, quarterly to review the staff person’s progress on the overall goals and objectives. Your staff person’s progress on the action plans that result from the PDP goals is reviewed at your weekly one-on-one meeting. This weekly meeting allows you to offer assistance and to identify any help or tools the staff person needs to succeed. This can be good for the practitioner as it can set them target to set them across they year they. Will be set either at the appraisals or the practitioner will do them on their own. The setting will then provide as much support to the individual to achieve their goals. Http://humorousness. About. Com/CSS/ prearrangement/a/PDP. Tm 05. 4. 2014 In-house training colleges and training organizations- This gives practitioners the opportunity to do any training courses within their setting and gives them the help and support within their training opportunities. This can be good for the individual as they are achieving and moving further on with their career while still working and enjoying their job. There are lots of factors to consider when selecting opportunities and activities for keeping knowledge and practice up to date. They can be the individual strengths and weakness if there interested, financial factors, raining. The individual can discuss this within their supervision/ appraisals and they can look at what training they want to do. They can also look at their goals they have set and see if there manageable and achievable within their setting. They need to consider their strengths and weakness and if they are up to do their goals they have set. Financial factors- The setting needs to be able to work out cost for all the training opportunities so that it is split fairly and all staff within the setting get to achieve their goals. They also need to aka sure what they are paying for they are getting so it has to be Cost effective. Look at the individual – do they need the training, how best to give the training , Is the training the individual wants to do is it accredited does it apply to the job is it appropriate. Reflective practice is a way of studying your own experiences to improve the way you work. The act of reflection is a great way to increase confidence and become a more proactive and qualified professional. Engaging in reflective practice should help to improve the quality of care you give and close the gap twine theory and practice. How to cite SHC, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Professional Environments MacDonald Framework

Question: Discuss about theProfessional Environmentsfor MacDonald Framework. Answer: Introduction This study aims to identify the values and clauses from ACS Code of Professional Conduct and Australian Legislation applicable to the case scenario along with demonstrating MacDonald Framework of ethical decision making Case Study After joining as a Project Manager, Alex faced a problem that due to the concern of intellectual property theft, the developers are not provided with sufficient access to their systems that lead to huge job dissatisfaction among the employees. Values and Clauses from ACS Code of Professional Conduct Relevant to the Scenario ACS Code of Professional Conduct can help Alex for upholding as well as advancing effectiveness, dignity and honor of becoming a perfect professional who would be able to secure the intellectual property of the organization (Bently and Sherman 2014). On the other hand, the ACS Code of Professional Conduct focuses specifically on the individual professional. The ACS Code of Professional Conduct is comprised of six major values such as The Primacy of the Public Interest, The Enhancement of Quality of Life, Honesty, Competence, Professional Development and Professionalism (Davison, Monotti and Wiseman 2015). Three values are specifically relevant to this scenario amongst these six values such as The Primacy of the Public Interest, Honesty and Competence (Leicester 2016). On the other hand, there are five specific clauses of ACS Code of Professional Conduct that would be the relevant one for the scenario, which would help the project manager for resolving this kind of conflicting situation. These are as follows: Respecting intellectual property of the company Endeavor to utility, continuity, security and integrity of ICT Make the employees aware of the relevant legislation as well as standards and act accordingly. Endeavour for preserving the privacy and confidentiality of the information of others (Gibson 2016). Differentiating between the personal and professional opinions and advice. Relevant Australian Legislation Applicable to the Scenario In this current scenario, the intellectual property theft is the major issue due to which a confusing situation has been occurred. Therefore, few Australian legislations of intellectual property equivalent to ACS code of Professional Conduct are applicable and relevant to this scenario (Bently and Sherman 2014). The Australian Copyright Law, Design Protection Law, Australian patent protection Law, Australian Trade Mark Protection are the most applicable legislation for this scenario (Davison, Monotti and Wiseman 2015). MacDonald Framework Figure 1: MacDonald Framework for Ethical Decision Making (Source: Created by Author) Conclusion This study is successful in conveying the relevant values and clauses of ACS Code of Conduct and establishing MacDonald Framework of ethical decision making that can resolve the complex scenario. Recommendations IP Protection The project manager should focus more on the prohibiting the issues of Intellectual Property threat by implementing ACS code of conduct Employee satisfaction Project manager should also focus on providing space with a nominal limit to the employees so that they can enjoy working in their workplaces. References Bently, L. and Sherman, B., 2014.Intellectual property law. Oxford University Press, USA. Corones, S.G., 2014.Competition law in Australia. Thomson Reuters Australia, Limited.] Davison, M., Monotti, A. and Wiseman, L., 2015.Australian intellectual property law. Cambridge University Press. Gibson, J., 2016.Community resources: intellectual property, international trade and protection of traditional knowledge. Routledge. Leicester, N., 2016. Ethics in the IT Profession: Does a Code of Ethics have an Effect on Professional Behaviour?